Good-bye Google Reader

Google reader is shutting down tomorrow.  I use igoogle (which is also being retired soon) and the google reader gadget has already stopped working.  I can already tell how much I’m gonna miss it, it’s so strange to open my homepage and not have it there.

If you’re following Burton Avenue via RSS and use google reader, I hope you’ll find another reader.  It sounds like lots of people are moving to bloglovin’ or feedly.  I’m trying both and am still deciding which I like best.  I’ve also started a facebook page and you can sign up to receive updates via email.

One thought on “Good-bye Google Reader”

  1. I have followed you via Google Reader, which I've used for many years and loved, but I made the switch to Bloglovin' after trying another one. I really like Bloglovin'. I don't think Facebook is ever a good idea; some really bad things are happening there and thousands are leaving them, thankfully. Anyone who wants me to do anything at FB is off my reading list permanently. If people only knew…..


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