Hooded Towel

I’m taking a break from all of this Halloween crafting to show you a gift I made recently for a friend. She had her 6th baby last month and I wanted to give her something other than clothes or toys (and by number 6, what do you really need, anyway?). I had pinned this darling hooded towel tutorial and thought it would make a great gift.

I love these towels and since both of my girls asked if it was for them, I might be making several more.

The tutorial is easy to follow and the process is pretty simple. She even gives step-by-step folding instructions. So cute!

4 thoughts on “Hooded Towel”

  1. That is so cute! my daughter had a towel just like that when she was little.

    If you have 5 minutes to spare I would love it if you could pop by my blog and check out my favourite Halloween pins at my weekly Pinning & Singing Pinterest party. I would be honoured if you could link up this Pinterest inspired post too!

    Best wishes and Happy Halloween!
    Natasha 2 5 minutes Just for Me.


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