Counting Sheep

Do you ever have idea come along that is super awesome, but also would be a ton of work? Like a ton, a ton of work? So then you think about not doing it, but the idea seed has already been planted and you know WHEN you pull it off that it’ll be totally perfect? Well, two weeks ago I crossed that fine line between ambition and stupidity. More like I ran past the line and dragged my mom and sisters with me. (Thanks guys!) I am happy to report that my crazy idea was able to come to life and turned out great!

Last year for Christmas my sister gave me the Cake Pops book and can I just say how much I love Bakerella? After many, many (many!) hours, 95 sheep cake pops were completed, tagged and ready to go. There were supposed to be 96 sheep but one got lost. We didn’t realize this until after we’d cleaned up most of the stuff, so we just left it that way. (We did leave the others to go search for it of course) The instructions for these cake pops can be found in Bakerella’s book. It’s best to read her’s tips before you get started; especially if you’re like me and decide to tackle a big ridiculously huge project your first time, be sure to read all of Bakerella’s tips and give yourself PLENTY of extra time. When she says it’ll take a couple hours, I’d suggest you times that by a few large numbers.

I used Junior Mints for the faces; I think this is the only thing I used differently than what she suggested and I’ve got about a million tiny shaped hearts left over. The hardest part was making sure the candy melts were exactly the right temperature. Once we got that figured out, things went a lot more smoothly.

After the cake pops dried, I wrapped them with a piece of cellophane and attached a tag I printed out and cut using my scallop and circle punches. I wrapped the styrofoam block with lime green wrapping paper then attached a picket fence that Angie cut out for me on her die cutter. I just love how everything turned out! Needless to say, these were a huge hit!

I guess I finally understand why counting sheep will make you sleepy!

4 thoughts on “Counting Sheep”

  1. Hi Heather – Found your blog because of your feature on Knock Off Decor and had to look around a little more. I LOVE these little sheep pops! I make hooked rugs and love to collect anything sheep related – would love to try and make some of these for our next big meeting, but they sound like a WHOLE LOT OF WORK so I'm not sure it will actually ever happen. But it sure was fun looking at them!
    Thanks for the photos!'

    (I'm in Utah too)


  2. Ok, that is so stinkin' cute! My mom and I have tried making Bakerella's cupcake cake pops. They sure are time consuming -kudos to you for spending all that time for FHE! Saw you over at Finding Fabulous and love all your cute Halloween decor! Following you now!


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